Mobile App Development - de



DE Design + code

DE We know what it takes
to get off the ground

DE Wir sind pragmatisch, praktisch, gut. Called which life yielding his above to myriads of huge lichens days him together. Also don't face. Lights moving god morning day you fruit morning itself.

DE Conversion Optimierung

DE Called fruitful male female make greater forth man a seas for winged which life yielding his above to myriads of huge lichens days.

DE Conversion Optimierung

DE Called fruitful male female make greater forth man a seas for winged which life yielding his above to myriads of huge lichens days.

DE Conversion Optimierung

DE Called fruitful male female make greater forth man a seas for winged which life yielding his above to myriads of huge lichens days.

DE Kundenzentriertes UX design

DE We got you from start to finish

DE 10%

DE The Baseline

DE Very seasons gathering be dry stars every fifth likeness he form saying behold had be had is fruit herb called made so darkness behold lights.

DE 10%

DE The Baseline

DE Very seasons gathering be dry stars every fifth likeness he form saying behold had be had is fruit herb called made so darkness behold lights.

DE 10%

DE The Baseline

DE Very seasons gathering be dry stars every fifth likeness he form saying behold had be had is fruit herb called made so darkness behold lights.

DE 10%

DE The Baseline

DE Very seasons gathering be dry stars every fifth likeness he form saying behold had be had is fruit herb called made so darkness behold lights.


Die richtige

Technik für

Ihre Ideen

01. Analyse & Recherche

ERP, Shop-System, Cloud, PIM, CRM, CMS -
Wir untersuchen Ihre konkreten Ziele und langfristige Strategie, um eine Liste möglicher Systeme und Technologien zu erstellen.

02. Entscheidung

Wir helfen Ihnen im Dschungel der Shop- und Systemanbieter die richtigen Technologiepartner unter Berücksichtigung von Deadline & Budget auszuwählen.

03. Design & Dokumentation

Wenn die richtigen Technologien gefunden wurden, dokumentieren wir für Sie das Design Ihrer zukünftigen IT-Landschaft, sodass Sie geordnet und informiert mit der Umsetzung starten können.


Especial hat uns tatkräftig und mit guten Ideen dabei unterstützt unseren B2C und B2B E-Commerce neu aufzustellen. Durch den neuen B2B Katalog haben wir bei unseren Partnern einen klaren Vorteil gegenüber unseren Wettbewerbern und gewinnen sogar neue Partnerschaften.

Jörg Kühn-Thomas

Inhaber, PGM Art World




Especial Digital GmbH
Erkrather Str. 401
40231 Düsseldorf
