Shopify Theme Development

Shopify themes are customizable templates that define a store’s visual design. This workshop empowers you to craft visually stunning and user-friendly themes that captivate customers and enhance brand identity.

About the Workshop

Shopify Theme Development focuses on equipping you with the skills needed to design, build, and customize Shopify themes. You'll learn how to work with Shopify’s Liquid templating language, theme architecture, and assets like CSS and JavaScript to build a unique storefront. We’ll cover everything from setting up your development environment to deploying and maintaining themes in a live store.

By the end of the workshop, you’ll have the expertise to create responsive, optimized, and user-friendly themes, ensuring your clients or business have an edge in the competitive eCommerce landscape.

Remote Or onsite
12 lessons

What you’ll learn

Introduction to Shopify Themes
Setting Up Your Shopify Theme Development Environment
Liquid Essentials
Building a Custom Shopify Theme
Working with Themes fromShopify’s Theme Store
Working with Shopify Theme Settings
Advanced Theme Customization
Performance Optimizationand SEO for Themes
Integrating Apps and Third-Party Services
Testing and Deploying Your Shopify Theme
Maintaining and Scaling Shopify Themes


Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Basic understanding of version control (Git)

Why choose this workshop?

Hands-On Learning

Dive deep into Shopify’s theme architecture with real-world projects that prepare you to build, customize, and optimize themes for any client or business.

Master Liquid

Gain in-depth knowledge of Liquid, Shopify’s powerful templating language, allowing you to create dynamic, customized storefronts that meet any design or functionality requirement.

Optimize for Performance

Learn how to create themes that are not only beautiful but also fast, SEO-friendly, and responsive across all devices, ensuring a smooth customer experience.

Build with Flexibility

Develop reusable sections, snippets, and blocks to give clients full control over their content, allowing them to easily manage their stores without sacrificing design quality.

Real-World Application

Deploy and maintain Shopify themes in a live environment, providing clients with professional, scalable solutions that evolve with their business needs.

Increase Client Value

By mastering theme development, you'll be able to offer premium customization services that elevate any Shopify store, making your skills highly sought after in the eCommerce space.

Learning without limitations


From € 599

Online workshops ready
Able to host up to 10 pax
Week day availability only
Week day availability only
In Düsseldorf, Germany

From € 799

Where we are based
In-person workshops
Groups of up to 5 pax
Week day availability only
At your Office

Custom Price

In-person workshops
Groups of up to 5 pax
Week day availability only
Week day availability only

Meet the instructor

Daniel Kolb

“I look forward to teaching
you more
about Shopify
in the
If you have a
strong grasp of
in general, you will be able
to follow along,
even when
things get
more advanced.
My motto is always to
give back
to the
tech community,
that has
me create
such an
career for myself,
so I am
pumped to teach
you a thing or two.”
Masters in Software Engineering
Co-founder of Especial
Expert in Product Dev
Shopify Partner
Especial Team Lead
Teacher, Mentor and Expert

Was unsere Kunden über uns sagen

„Wir haben uns aus zwei Gründen für Especial entschieden: Zum einen kennen sie sich bestens mit dem JAM-Stack aus, auf den wir zukünftig setzen wollen. Zum anderen bietet Especial eine faire Abrechnung, die sich nach der geleisteten Arbeit in den Projektschritten richtet – voll agil, voll flexibel. Ich freue mich jede Woche aufs Meeting.“
Dr. Maximilian Bräutigam, Marketingleiter bei GDCh
„Especial war genau der richtige Partner für unseren Relaunch. Sie haben uns bei allen Herausforderungen rund um Design und Anbindungen unterstützt und lagen dabei immer im vereinbarten Zeitplan. Ich freue mich darauf auch die digitalen Angebote der anderen Pieroth Ländergesellschaften mit Especial auszubauen. 
Nicolas Johansson, Digital Manager bei Pieroth AG
„Especial hat uns tatkräftig und mit guten Ideen dabei unterstützt, unseren B2C- und B2B E-Commerce neu aufzustellen. Durch den neuen B2B Katalog haben wir bei unseren Partnern einen klaren Vorteil gegenüber unseren Wettbewerbern und gewinnen sogar neue Partnerschaften.“
Jörg Kühn-Thomas, Inhaber von PGM Art World

Deine großen Fragen

Welche Arten von Projekten übernimmst du?
Welche Informationen benötige ich, um loszulegen?
Was ist Ihr typischer Projektzeitplan?
How do I enroll in a workshop?

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